

21 juli 2013 — Kon-Tiki-expeditionen startade från Callao i Peru i april 1947. 101 dagar senare strandade flotten på Raroiarevet i Polynesien och hade då 

LI2B 1970 "Tigris" LI2B was the amateur radio (ham radio) call-sign of the Kon-Tiki raft expedition (1947). OSLO, Norway - The Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo is dedicated to the Kon-Tiki expedition, a 1947 journey by raft across the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands, led by Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl. 5. Kon-Tiki was named after the Inca sun god, Viracocha, for whom "Kon-Tiki" was said to be an old name 5.

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2011 — Han hade 1947 gjort en bejublad resa med balsaflotten Kon-Tiki från Perus kust till Sällskapsöarna. Därmed ville han visa att Stilla havets öar  Läs Kon-Tiki Gratis av Thor Heyerdahl ✓ Finns som E-bok ✓ Prova Gratis i 14 Dagar. Thor Heyerdahls resa över Stillahavet 1947 på en träflotte. Heyerdahls, och de fem andra i besättningen, mål med resan var att bekräfta sin omstridda teori om  Online 394043.

Kon-Tiki var en ekspedisjon som ble gjennomført av etnografen Thor Heyerdahl. Han ville bevise at indianere fra Sør-Amerika seilte til øyene i Stillehavet, og at innbyggerne på Stillehavsøyene var etterkommerne deres. Bakgrunnen for ekspedisjonen Mange har gjennom årene lurt på hvor øyboerne i Stillehavet kom fra. Thor Heyerdahl mente at noen av dem kom fra […]

(1947) On 28 April 1947, a raft made of balsawood carrying six men and a parrot sailed out of Callao, Peru. Its skipper was the then 33-year-old Thor Heyerdahl, and their destination was Polynesia.

Kon tiki 1947

Kon-Tiki was the name of a tiny balsa-wood raft, constructed by Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl. It was Heyerdahl's contention that pre-Columbian Polynesian natives had regularly made trips across the ocean in similar rafts. To prove his theory, Heyerdahl set sail in the Kon-Tiki in 1947

Den 28 april 1947 bogseras den färdigutrustade flotten ut ur Callaos hamn av peruanska marinen. 2016-11-03 1947 m.

Kon tiki 1947

Knut Magne Haugland of Norway, passed away on December 25.
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Kon-Tiki sailing vessel LI2B 1970 "Tigris" LI2B was the amateur radio (ham radio) call-sign of the Kon-Tiki raft expedition (1947). Through this expedition, Thor Heyerdahl tried to prove that it was possible for people from South America to have crossed the Pacific from east to west and thereby to settle the Polynesian islands. What Happened in 1947 Important News and Events, Key Technology and Popular Culture What happened in 1947 Major News Stories include Kon-Tiki expedition, Roswell UFO incident, India and Pakistan Beome Independent Nations, CIA established. 1947 was a common year Thor Heyerdahl's balsa wood raft, the Kon-Tiki, smashes into the reef at Raroia in the Tuamotu Islands, after a 101-day, 4,300 mile,

Den 28 april 1947 bogseras den färdigutrustade flotten ut ur Callaos hamn av peruanska marinen. 2016-11-03 1947 m. plaustu Kon Tiki perplaukė Ramųjį vandenyną.
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Ispirato al documentario vincitore di un Oscar, Kon-Tiki è l'epica storia di come il leggendario esploratore Thor Heyerdal attraversò il Pacifico su una zattera di legno di balsa nel 1947.

A most notable naysayer was ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl whose 1947 Kon Tiki raft expedition advanced the drift idea that colonization occurred only as vessels simply traveled on the tides. But the Six men on a raft: The Kon-Tiki sailed from Peru to Polynesia in 101 days in 1947. AP Photo 1947: Thor Heyerdahl and five crewmen leave Callao, Peru, on a balsa-wood raft. They're hoping to prove Heyerdahl is notable for his Kon-Tiki expedition in 1947, in which he sailed 8,000 km (5,000 mi) across the Pacific Ocean in a hand-built raft from South America to the Tuamotu Islands.

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These polaroid sunglasses were worn by Knut Magne Haugland during the Kon-​Tiki Expedition in 1947. Despite encountering storms with up to 9 m waves, 

2013 — Kon-Tiki Äventyr, verklighetsbaserat, Norge , 2012. Distributör: Nordisk film Kon-Tiki byggs, befolkningen jublar. Avfärden sker i april 1947.

Dec 15, 2020 Heyerdahl is notable for his Kon-Tiki expedition on April 28th, 1947, in which he sailed 8,000 km across the Pacific Ocean in a hand-built raft 

Flåten ble bygd som en nøyaktig kopi av inkaenes balsaflåter. Il Kon-Tiki è la zattera usata dall'esploratore e scrittore norvegese Thor Heyerdahl nella sua spedizione nel 1947 attraverso l'Oceano Pacifico dal Sud America alle isole della Polinesia. Il battello fu così chiamato secondo un antico nome Inca del dio della pioggia ( Kon ). De Kon-Tiki verliet Callao, Peru, op de middag van 28 april 1947. Het werd eerst 90 km met hulp van de Peruaanse marine naar open zee gesleept om er zeker van te zijn dat ze verder zouden worden meegevoerd met de Humboldtstroom . 2013-04-26 · Directed by Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg.

I 101 dagar har flotten seglats 700 mil från Perus kust till Polynesien. Thor Heyerdahl (1914–2002) vant verdensberømmelse da han i 1947 krysset Stillehavet med balsaflåten Kon-Tiki. Siden fulgte spektakulære seilaser med  18 apr.