The odderon takes its name from the fact that it appears as an odd-number of gluons moving together, an outcome which would seem to be considerably rarer. Meanwhile, the more commonly seen quasiparticle made up of an even number of gluons is called a pomeron, after the Soviet theoretical physicist Isaak Pomeranchuk.


Mar 23, 2021 The odderon is a combination of subatomic particles rather than a new If that number is even, it's the work of a pomeron quasiparticle; the 

A short summary of this paper. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. READ PAPER. Odderon-Pomeron interference. Download. Odderon-Pomeron interference. 2019-05-02 2021-03-23 2021-03-23 The Pomeron and Odderon ideas have stuck around, and scientists have previously found experimental evidence for the Pomeron, but not the Odderon.

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Odderon is a cousin of Pomeron which emerged already about half century ago in the so called Regge theory to explain the logarithmically rising (rather than decreasing) cross sections in proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions. Pomeron is part of low energy phenomenology and perturbative QCD cannot say much about it. 2019-04-10 · For this purpose, we employ an effective Lagrangian approach by using the tree-level Born approximation, and various experimental and theoretical inputs. As a theoretical setup, the vector-like Pomeron ($C=+1$) and Odderon ($C=-1$) are taken into account as parameterized two- and three-gluon exchange contributions, respectively. Pomeron is a Reggeon with the intercept close to 1. At what stage is it necessary to introduce a field theory in the regeon-pomeron-odderon model of hadron TY - JOUR.

O: octonions,odderons. P: para-photons,parton,Perry poles,photino,Planck mass,plasmon,. pomeron,preon,primatom,primordial black holes,psions,pseudo.

Abstract We show that the asymmetry in the fractional energy of charm versus anticharm jets produced in high energy diffractive photoproduction is sensitive to the interference of the Odderon ( C =−) and Pomeron ( C =+) exchange amplitudes in QCD. We predict the dynamical shape of the asymmetry in a simple model and estimate its magnitude to be of the order 15% using an Odderon coupling to Made available by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information Holographic Pomeron and Odderon at Strong Coupling Marko Djuri´c Richard C. Brower, Boston University Miguel S. Costa, University of Porto Timothy Raben and Chung-I Tan, Brown University Holograv 2014, Holographic Methods and Applications Monday, August 18, 2014 Pomeron and Odderon: Saturation and Confinement, and Gauge/String Duality! Chung-I Tan June 29-July 3, 2009, CERN 13th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering High Energy scattering after AdS/CFT R. Brower, J. Polchinski, M. Strassler, and C-I Tan, “The Pomeron and Gauge/ String Duality”, JHEP 0903:092,2009, (hep-th/0603115.) Protons are made up of quarks and gluons, that briefly form Odderon and Pomeron particles. And now a research team, involving researchers from Lund University, has succeeded in identifying the Odderon in connection with an advanced data analysis study at the particle accelerator CERN.

Pomeron odderon

The odderon takes its name from the fact that it appears as an odd-number of gluons moving together, an outcome which would seem to be considerably rarer. Meanwhile, the more commonly seen quasiparticle made up of an even number of gluons is called a pomeron, after the Soviet theoretical physicist Isaak Pomeranchuk. Protoner består av kvarkar och gluoner, som under en kort tid bildar partiklarna av Odderon och Pomeron. Och nu till forskargruppen till vilkenomfattar forskare  We also discuss the connection of Pomeron/Odderon intercepts in the conformal limit with anomalous dimensions in strong coupling. Topic: High Energy  O: octonions,odderons. P: para-photons,parton,Perry poles,photino,Planck mass,plasmon,.

Pomeron odderon

Pomeron-Odderon interference e ects in electroproduction of two pions Ph. Hagler¨ a, B. Pireb, L. Szymanowskib;c and O.V. Teryaevd aInstitut f¨ur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany b CPhT, Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau, France 1 c So ltan Instuteit orf Nuclear udies,St Ho_ za 69, 00-681 Warsaw For 50 years, the research community has been hunting unsuccessfully for the so-called Odderon particle.
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By construction, our (bare) pomeron ansatz produces a single dip, as observed experimentally.

We show that the odderon-exchange contribution significantly improves the description of the p p azimuthal correlations and the dP t “glueball-filter variable” dependence of ϕ CEP measured by WA102. Pomeron and Odderon: Saturation and Confinement, and Gauge/String Duality! Chung-I Tan June 29-July 3, 2009, CERN 13th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering High Energy scattering after AdS/CFT R. Brower, J. Polchinski, M. Strassler, and C-I Tan, “The Pomeron and Gauge/ String Duality”, JHEP 0903:092,2009, (hep-th/0603115.) Odderon-Pomeron interference Brodsky, Stanley J.; Rathsman, Johan LU and Merino, Carlos () In Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 461 (1-2). p.114-122 In this paper we extend our recent non perturbative functional renormalization group analysis of Reggeon Field Theory to the interactions of Pomeron and Odderon fields.
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Odderon-Pomeron interference. Physics Letters B, 1999. Carlos Merino. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. READ PAPER. Odderon-Pomeron interference. Download. Odderon-Pomeron interference.

While both Pomeron and Odderon contribute to helicity-flip processes in general, in the forward limit only the double helicity-flip amplitude , dominated by the spin-dependent Odderon, survives. This may affect the extraction of the parameter as well as the total cross section in the LHC energy domain and beyond.

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Pomeron-Odderon interference e ects in electroproduction of two pions Ph. Hagler¨ a, B. Pireb, L. Szymanowskib;c and O.V. Teryaevd aInstitut f¨ur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany b CPhT, Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau, France 1 c So ltan Instuteit orf Nuclear udies,St Ho_ za 69, 00-681 Warsaw

Noun .

Pomeron and Odderon in terms of Wilson line correlators. Their couplings with various proton polarization states can be completely parametrized by the generalized transverse momentum dependent distributions (GTMDs) [34]. Indeed, the gluon Sivers function [36] at small-x is connected to the Odderon in the forward limit [29–31] and participates

Noun . odderon (plural odderons) The hypothetical counterpart of the pomeron, carrying odd charge parity. Translations . Pomerons and odderons At low energies, differences in pp vs pp̄ scattering are due to the exchange of different virtual mesons. At multi-TeV energies, on the other hand, proton interactions are expected to be mediated purely by gluons. The Pomeron exchange contributions are related to multi-gluon exchanges in QCD, which are color singlet bound state of Reggeized gluons, such as tensor glueball and Odderon. The Odderon particle is what briefly forms when protons collide in high-energy collisions, and in some cases do not shatter, but bounce off one another and scatter.

This may affect the extraction of the ρ parameter as well as the total cross section in the LHC energy domain and beyond. Our coupling constants for the Pomeron-odderon-ϕ vertex are taken from an analysis of the WA102 data for the p p → p p ϕ reaction. We show that the odderon-exchange contribution significantly improves the description of the p p azimuthal correlations and the dP t “glueball-filter variable” dependence of ϕ CEP measured by WA102. Pomeron and Odderon: Saturation and Confinement, and Gauge/String Duality!